Use the following tutorial to support the instructions in your Capucine Pattern booklet. In this tutorial, we are using 4C22 heavyweight, 100% linen, in the color Dulse, and we created our bias binding in a 100% Linen Yarn Dye Fabric IL042 5.1oz.
The facings instructions begin on page 34. This tutorial will begin by sewing the back neck facing to the robe front facings as covered on page 36.
You will have just applied fusible interfacing to pieces D x2 and E x1 and made up and attached the hanging loop.
1. Place your front facings (Pieces D) with right sides facing up. Then lay your Neck facing (piece E) on top with right sides together.
In order to attach the neck facing properly, pivot the front-facing pieces at the pivot point.
Match the middle notch on E with the center seam on D, then match the outer notches to the pivot areas.
2. Pin in place.
Here is what one of the pivot points looks like pinned, from the other side.
3. Sew with a 1/2" seam, making sure you sew over the pivot points.
And now open it up to reveal the magic!
4. Apply your bias binding according to the instructions in your booklet.
You may find you will want to trim away some of the excess seam allowances after you have pressed it towards the neck facing E before you sew your bias down to remove some bulk.
5. Pin and sew your facing to the robe: Place the facing right sides together and match the notches. I started at the center back seam of the collar and worked down each side.
6. Clip and understitch the facing according to the instruction booklet on page 39.
7. Secure the neck facing E, to the seam allowance on the back neck of the robe. You would have clipped these seam allowances back when you sewed the robe fronts and pressed them open.
Pin the Seam allowance from neck facing E to the lower seam allowance of the robe neck seam allowance:
Sew in place, and fold the facing down to lay flat.
Then, continue with the instructions on page 40 to sew the hem and finish your Facing!
Congrats! You have finished your Capucine Robe facing!
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